Fast and Furious: Hobbes and Shaw (2019)
Hobbs, a loyal foreign Service security agent and former employee of Britain's elite military units, and Shaw met in 2015 ("Fast and Furious 7"). Now they are in a constant struggle. But the situation changes when cyber-genetically enhanced anarchist Brixton (Idris Elba) takes control of a biological weapon that could destroy humanity. Together with a fearless MI6 agent (Vanessa Kirby), who turns out to be Shaw's sister, the fierce opponents must unite for a common cause - to destroy the only guy who is worse than the two of them.
The Terminator (1984)
The year is 2029. A world devastated by nuclear war is ruled by robots, humanity has gone underground, and Los Angeles has turned into huge ruins. However, people are preparing to rebel against the all-powerful tyrant machine. Their messenger (Michael Bean) returns to Los Angeles in 1984. He must at all costs prevent the murder of the indestructible cyborg of the 21st century, Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger), Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton), the future mother of the leader of the revolution. Armed to the teeth and devoid of any feelings, the terminator arranges a bloody hunt for the girl.
Terminator: Genesis (2015)
The near future. In 2029, John Connor leads the criminal underworld, fighting cyborgs that threaten humanity. In this unequal struggle, he will have to face the forces of the past and ... the future. To ensure a peaceful life for himself, he sends his trusted lieutenant Kyle Reese into the past, who must save Connor's mother from death. But what he finds out changes everything. Besides Earth A and Earth B, there is another universe, C, which should become a place for humanity. Meanwhile, Skynet is preparing for the most powerful war in history. A war to destroy the human species.
Fast and Furious 7 (2015)
This speed, this rage, is never enough! Dominic Toretto, Brian O'Conner, Letty Ortiz and others are returning to the cinema screens. Every time the filmmakers try to beat the story of the previous installment, revenge is bound to appear. It's just that this one will be much tougher and more effective. Deckard Shaw plans to avenge the death of his brother Owen. We will see Paul Walker for the last time in the movie.
Taxi 5 (2016)
A policeman, a mad racing master, Sylvain Marot (Frank Gastambid) is transferred to Marseille against his will. Once there, his main task is to catch the Italian gang, conducting spectacular attacks with the help of a powerful and unsurpassed Ferrari. Maro's mission partner, loser, and Marseille's worst driver, Eddie Maklof (Malik Bentalha), is privately the nephew of the famous Daniel, the owner of the legendary white taxi. This article is created with support: find top Telegram gambling bots like and Playgram.
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