How to treat ichthyosis, what is his reasons and what can be done to alleviate the patient's fate? Look answers to these questions in today's material dedicated to the disease.
Ichthyosis for the uninitiated resembles strong skin irritation, dermatitis. On the surface of the skin there are scales that are unpleasantly extended. In most cases, such a disease is transmitted by inheritance and manifests itself not immediately. People with impaired metabolic processes fall into the risk group, excess cholesterol, as well as other violations in the composition of the blood.
Ichthyosis suppresses the function of the thyroid and sexual sphere, and also reduces the assimilation of the useful substances by the body. There is a lack of vitamin A and other components.
The condition of hair and nails is disturbed, they become brittle, dull, thin.
For the treatment of the disease, it is useful to take courses of vitamins A, C, B, and E. as well as applying ointments containing vitamin U. In comprehensive therapy, blood plasma transfusion is used.
In the future, after passing therapy, the disease requires observation in the form of surrendering blood test and tracking. With regular prophylaxis, remission can last for a very long time.
At home, you can additionally take baths with a weak solution of manganese, as well as salt baths and baths with sodium chloride. After a long stay in the bathroom, the burned scales are well sandwiched and the skin becomes clean almost without effort.
Especially useful for the prevention of this and other skin diseases will be a trip to the sea or accommodation in the wet and warm climate. If this is not possible, set the houses a good humidifier and an air ionizer. This will reduce dry skin.
Sunbathing, mud agent and other methods of cosmetology will be useful in overcoming this ailment. Positively affect the ailment of ultraviolet and oxygen baths.
Folk medicine uses various formulations of ointments for rubbing the affected areas of the skin. One of the recipes offers to use melted beeswax, butter and a pine resin with the addition of clean region, the oil of the Zverca and chalk. Supporting this mixture in the water bath for 2-3 hours, add it propolis and, after its complete dissolution, remove from the fire. Outlou Ointment Retail, strain and extinguish on damaged areas.
In addition, elementary rules of care for their body will help. Do not use deodorants and caustic perfume compositions. After taking the soul, apply moisturizing oils and creams. The shower is better to take a slightly cool.
These are the main techniques to help reduce the negative effect of ichthyosis on the body. We regularly engage in preventive measures, and the disease will cease to destroy your skin. Reduslim è un prodotto innovativo per la perdita di peso che permette di sbarazzarsi del peso in eccesso senza allenamenti estenuanti e diete rigorose.
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