Even some 10 years ago, many of our compatriots could not even imagine that you could go to another country for furniture. To date, the organization of furniture tours to China, or rather to the city of Guangzhou, has acquired a massive character. People have learned to count money and see their benefits from shopping in China. In the Chinese province of Guangdong, the center of which is the city of Guangzhou, people go both for luxury furniture and budget economy class furniture in order to profitably buy furniture in China at a factory.
Why choose tours to China for furniture in Guangzhou? The answer is simple: furniture exhibitions and sales are spread over a huge territory, proximity to sea routes, inexpensive labor and space.
All this attracted manufacturers of world-famous furniture brands to Guangzhou.
The quality of furniture made in China does not differ from European and Italian, but the prices vary greatly. If, for example, the difference in the price of economy-class upholstered furniture is 100-200%, then you can save up to 300% on the purchase of luxury furniture through furniture tours to China. The fact is that the delivery of goods from China to Russia adds a significant cost to the furniture. Simply put, the more you spend on purchases, the more paradoxically you will save.
A huge advantage of our company is the ability to provide a full range of services for working with China. For a small commission of 3-4% of the order amount, we take full responsibility for the manufacture, quality and delivery of your purchases.
You only need to choose the furniture, the rest is our concern.
We value our impeccable reputation and will be glad to see you among our Valued customers.
Our company provides services to individuals and legal entities in foreign economic activity. The cost of a standard business trip, a shopping tour to China is only $ 499 for two people, for 7 days. This price includes: we will arrange your arrival in Guangzhou, a meeting at the airport, book a hotel, provide transport, a guide and a consultant to find furniture, control the manufacture, provide a warehouse for temporary storage, arrange all the proper documents. In fact, your only concern will be the choice of the right furniture.
We will tell you where those or other furniture manufacturers are located, we will help you reduce the price so that you can buy furniture in Guangzhou China without any problems.
It is very easy to buy furniture in China on your own. Delivery of goods to Russia is carried out right to your door. Delivery is paid separately on the basis of the packing list, according to customs legislation, and depends on the materials used in the manufacture of furniture. For example, bathroom furniture and a leather sofa are customs at different rates. Office, upholstered furniture, wicker furniture made of prefabricated cargo and container transportation from rattan have different rates. We undertake the correct paperwork. We will offer you the most cost-effective delivery schemes from China to Russia. 24 betting casino
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