The common burbot is the only freshwater representative of the cod order. Burbot is often compared to catfish, but as can be seen from the species' affiliation, these are completely different fish, although similar in many aspects of life and appearance. The burbot has a broad, flattened head, small eyes and a wide mouth with many tiny teeth resembling a brush. There is a small mustache on the chin. The upper jaw is longer than the lower and slightly protrudes forward. The body of the fish is covered with the smallest scales, the surface of which is replete with mucus, which often does not allow you to grab the burbot and hold it in your hand. A similar situation was very comically described in A.P. Chekhov's story “Burbot".
There are two breeds completely black and variegated (marble). The first one is found mainly in rivers, while the second one lives mainly in lakes. Lake burbot differs not only in color, but also in ichthyology: its body is shorter and it grows more intensively. The color of the variegated burbot depends on the habitat conditions and can be very diverse. The belly, throat and ventral fins are whitish, the back and sides of the fish are usually painted olive green or grayish green with many black-brown spots and stripes. In addition, there are seventeen species of burbot, two of which live in the Black and Baltic Seas.
With age, the color becomes lighter. In addition, the females are also lighter. But the main sexual difference is in the proportions of the body. In males, it is much thinner, while the head is much larger. Females are also much larger than males.
The habitat of the burbot is quite extensive. Its indigenous habitat is the rivers Yenisei, Ob, Lena, Dvina and other rivers and reservoirs of the Arctic Ocean basin. It is also found in abundance in Central Russia. Its population is somewhat smaller in the Dnieper, Dniester, Volga, on the Don and other rivers of the Caspian and Black Sea basins.
It is worth noting that the further south and west, the smaller the population of this fish. Its average size is also decreasing. The largest individuals are found in the Irtysh, Pechora and Ob. In the southern rivers, the weight of fish rarely exceeds 1 - 1.5 kilograms, while in the northern regions there are individuals weighing up to 30 kilograms, with a body length of about 1.5 meters.
The rarity of burbot in southern waters and its relatively small size are associated with the characteristics of this fish. This freshwater representative of the cod family is very demanding on the quality of water and its temperature. Ideal habitat conditions are clean, cold water, slow current and rocky-muddy bottom. This is why burbot reaches its largest size in small northern rivers. In addition, it is in the southern reservoirs that there are a large number of catfish. Two species of fish fail to divide the bottom layers of water and burbot often becomes easy prey for larger catfish, preventing it from reaching normal size. Real free porn movies online porn USA, UK, AU, Europe.
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