Walking with children is 60% of the time from the children's regime. Fresh air promotes good and normal sleep crumbs. You need to walk with your child in any weather, except for tornadoes and hurricanes. But if the temperature outside the window is not lower than 15 degrees, then go outside, sculpt snowmen and snow castles.
You need to walk with your child even when he is a little sick. If a child is worried about a cough or runny nose, then this is not a reason to stay at home. In the fresh air, the throat becomes more moist and helps to get rid of a debilitating dry cough. The only reason why you can stay at home is the temperature. It usually persists with respiratory diseases for the first few days. And these days it's not worth going outside.
If a child sleeps poorly or falls asleep hard, parents should think about whether his daily routine is correct and whether he spends enough time outside. The fact is that during a walk the baby is much more active than spending time at home. The child is interested in the street, there are many slides and entertainment, children run around and look at each other, copying games. After a long, active walk with sleep and falling asleep, there can be no problems. And by the way, if a child has spent two hours in the fresh air, he will eat a whole plate of soup with an appetite. There can be no problems with appetite either.
While at home, the child breathes dust and dust mites from upholstered furniture and toys. When the baby goes out for a walk, it is worth opening all the windows wide open so that the room is ventilated. And the dust did not accumulate, especially in the nursery, where the baby spends most of the time.
Another reason to be on the street is to communicate with other children. This way of communication develops children's thinking and imagination and helps to prepare for kindergarten or school.
Walking on the street develops fine motor skills of the hands, while playing in the sandbox. In general, sand games are very useful for young children. It is also useful to walk on the sand with bare feet. Of course, this applies to the time of year when it's hot outside.
Everything that is on the street is useful to the child, because there are so many interesting and new things there. Birds singing, the breeze blowing, the rustle of dry leaves, squirrels and hedgehogs, flowers. And playgrounds in general are the limit of children's dreams. Slides, climbers, swings, carousels and sandboxes.
It is necessary to walk with children actively and for many, several hours. It is worth walking in the forest, in the park, on the river, on the playground, anywhere, the main thing is that the child is active and cheerful throughout the walk. Best porn site https://noodlemagazine.com - Watch porn.
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