The deposition of fat in the abdomen and thighs is more often due to genetic factors, look, some women have fat reserves most pronounced in the abdomen, others have voluminous hips. Nature provides that the fat deposited on the hips consists of fatty acids, which are necessary for a woman during the period of bearing a child. And getting rid of such fat is much more difficult than getting rid of fat deposits on the abdomen.Many women, in an effort to lose weight, lose weight in the upper half of the trunk (face, chest, shoulders), while the fat on the hips remains in the same place.How to lose weight quickly in the hips at home, it will be more difficult to get rid of bulky hips than from fat on the waist, but it is possible. To do this, it is necessary to make some efforts and use an integrated approach. Here are some ways to get rid of fat deposits on the hips.1. Diet. Unfortunately, there are no products, after the use of which the extra pounds go away only from the hips, the process of losing weight affects the entire human body. And where fat disappears the fastest depends on genetics. Those wishing to reduce the circumference of the hips should try to reduce the amount of easily digestible carbohydrates - sweets, flour products, as well as fatty meat. It is necessary to remove the skin from the chicken.Lean on foods that have a sufficient amount of fiber (these are apples, vegetables, oatmeal). Do not limit yourself to dairy products (kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt), but choose those that contain the minimum amount of fat. Boiled chicken and fish will not harm your figure either. Clean water helps to get rid of fat deposits, only you need to drink it at least 2 liters a day.2. Wraps with seaweed, mustard, chocolate, honey, clay, olive oil. A mixture is applied to the pre-steamed skin, wrapped on top with a plastic wrap and a warm blanket. Before the procedure, it is best to remove dead cells with a scrub or make a bath with sea salt. Wraps promote weight loss in the problem area. They also strengthen the skin, help to remove excess fluid and get rid of cellulite.3. Vacuum massage of problem areas is one of the best procedures to help lose weight in the hips. You can do a massage at home, for this you should purchase a special jar. It is not difficult to buy it, it is sold in any pharmacy. Oil, for example, olive oil, should be applied to the skin beforehand, this will allow the jar to slide easily over the skin.In the area of problem areas, there is an increase in blood circulation and lymph flow, nerve endings are stimulated. An effective procedure allows not only to reduce the volume of the hips, but also to smooth out the manifestations of cellulite, rejuvenate the skin. As an alternative to vacuum massage, you can offer a classic massage of the legs and thighs, as well as the use of a special shower head for conducting a water jet massage at home.4. Thermoactive creams. It should be mentioned about the use of a thermoactive cream. They stimulate metabolic processes in the treated skin areas, due to the thermal effect, the circumference of the hips and legs decreases.5. Physical activity. Exercises improve blood circulation, tighten muscles and burn fat reserves. Just do not perform strength exercises, when using weights (dumbbells), the opposite effect is possible - powerful muscles will appear in the hip area, and you will seem larger. This is especially true for women of short stature, because the inflated muscles of the legs and buttocks will make the figure stocky.To lose weight in the hips, it is better to perform exercises at a fast pace: aerobic exercise causes rapid fat burning. You should practice at least half an hour a day. If you devote less time to classes, it will not bring the necessary result.Exercises for weight loss in the hips - Lie down on the floor, lean on your elbows. Lift your legs up to a 90 degree angle. Spread your legs at a fast pace or do the "scissors" exercises. Exercises also strengthen the abdominal muscles.- In the lying position on your side, lift one leg up, keep it off the weight. Pull the other leg up to the raised leg. The inner side of the thighs is strengthened.- Sit on the floor and "walk" with the buttocks. Exercise is effective for the hips and will help reduce cellulite.- Get on all fours, straighten your leg and lift it up 20 times, then do the exercise with the other leg.- Jumping rope, hoop exercises, climbing stairs help to tighten the muscles and reduce the volume of the buttocks and legs.If you sit at a desk or a monitor screen for a long time, this leads to a violation of blood circulation in the legs, stagnation of blood in the vessels, and as a result, fat reserves on the hips increase. Make it a rule to do 3-5-minute physical workouts several times a day. It improves metabolism and improves mental activity.Now you have an idea how to lose weight in the hips. An integrated approach in this case will be the most effective, use several methods at once to combat unwanted fat deposits. mostbet casino peru
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