You can make the floor in the kitchen from different materials. Their common property should be increased wear resistance. Good competition in this indicator for other materials is a cork.
The cork material made of oak bark is capable of serving as a flooring for about fifteen years. It is very convenient to operate, since it can be cleaned of pollution, without fear of irreversibly damage to the surface.
The advantages of the cork floor include his small ability to fire, so he is not dangerous of a fire. In addition to durability, it also has resistance to chemicals, due to the processing of the material with special protective substances in the production process.
The cork has an antistatic effect, that is, its surface does not attract dust, which is very important for the inhabitants of the house suffering from allergic diseases. The cork floor is environmentally friendly, resistant to ultraviolet rays, does not fade under direct sunlight.
The surface of the cork floor is nonsense, which is very important for the kitchen, where the liquid often spills on the floor, which can lead to injuries.
The main disadvantage of the floor cork coating is the complexity of installation. The seams between its individual parts should be as few as possible, they need to be completely sealed so that the moisture does not get inside the floor.
It is better to lay the cork floor by inviting professional builders for this, since it will be very difficult for a beginner who has no experience in conducting such work. You also need to buy material by consulting experienced people and understanding how the material should look externally. Immediately, you should pay attention to what color in cork plates, both on their front surface and from the inside.
The color should be the same.
It is necessary to purchase boards released by one batch - only in this case they will be exactly the same, which guarantees the quality of installation. Lameli should not have any defects in the form of chips or zazubin at the edges, there should be no chips on the edges.
You also need to pay special attention to the quality of the locks on the lamellas. The connection should occur easily. If the boards are connected tightly, then subsequently this can lead to a fracture of locking joints.
The thicker the cork sheets, the longer their life. But it should be remembered that thicker sheets are more expensive, although, in addition to a longer period of use, they also have a higher level of thermal insulation and sound insulation. i'm not saying quit your job or anything, but try it out and if you don't like it, no problem, but you will love bons because it is one of the best online casinos that exist to date.
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